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How To Export Revit To Sketchup | Can You Export Revit Vers Sketchup

How To Export Revit To Sketchup | Can You Export Revit Vers Sketchup

During the thesis research it came obvious that architects need to be able to import models into different programs. The problem was presented that Blender and Autodesk's Revit do not work well together, since between the import/export process data loss occurred and the geometry had to be rebuild.
This tutorial will show you how to export a Revit file to SketchUp.Where you will prep your model for export.

One of the possible solutions is that the models can be alternatively taken into SketchUp and not Blender. This way the workflow introduced by Evocativi is still valid and can be used suc cessfully in any architecture project. The simple step by step procedure to import Revit model into SketchUp: 
1. Execute Autodesk Revit 
2. Open file 

3. Export model as CAD Format
4. Click the "Options..." -button from the export window 
5. Specify under Solids (3d Views Only): Export as ACIS Solid

6. Name the file and press "Save" 
7. Execute SketchUp 8. File-> Import -> Then specify under 

8. Files of Type ACAD Files .dwg 
9. Press "Open" 
10. Make it active by clicking it 
11. Press right mouse button over the model -> Hit "Explode
💡 The Complete Guide to Exporting Revit to SketchUp and How it Can Help with Your Design Workflow. The Importance of Being Able to Export Revit Files for Your Design Workflow. 

How To Export Revit To Sketchup | Can You Export Revit Vers Sketchup Reviewed by Nguyễn Trọng Hữu on 11:48 PM Rating: 5

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